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Affordable care act
information & Resources If you are
a Ryan White client needing help and/or information regarding Health Insurance,
please contact your Case Manager or a Navigator/Assister at your primary care
clinic. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a historic
opportunity for all Americans, including People Living with HIV and those receiving
services through the Ryan White Program, to increase their access to
affordable, quality health care. Many
Ryan White clients will gain access to health insurance or see their current
health insurance improve as a result of the
ACA. In the Houston Area, the majority
of Ryan White clients will continue to receive their current HIV care at
their established providers with little or no change. This page provides links to helpful
information about the ACA and its various impacts on the Ryan White Program.
you need assistance, a trained representative can help you enroll. Local Call Center:
832-393-8082 / Toll free 1-855-892-8082 Ten Things PLWH should know
about the Health Insurance Marketplace and Open Enrollment (May 2015) -
The Affordable Care Act and
HIV/AIDS Glossary of ACA Terms - HIV Medicine Association -
Definitions for many commonly used ACA terms as well as links to learn more. Health Resources and Services Administration - HIV/AIDS
Bureau -
Ryan White and the Affordable Care Act: What You Need to Know -
Affordable Care Act (ACA) information -
Access to the Health Insurance Marketplace - Information for the HIV community about the
opportunities that exist through the ACA to improve health care access for
people with HIV by maintaining a blog, sharing information through
an email newsletter, and hosting regular
webinars. Insurance Marketplace Eligibility Pre-Screening Tool -
ACA information for Individuals and Families, Employers and Other
Organizations Information about Health Reform in Texas Health Insurance Explained: The YouToons Have it Covered
(animated video) - ACA information for Medicaid and CHIP clients -
ACA information for the LGBT community Ryan White Planning Council's Quality Improvement
Committee - Health Insurance Workgroup U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services -
Read the Law: The Affordable Care Act Section by Section |